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List of Purple Cay Teapots and Suitable Tea Leaves

teapots and tea leaves

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There are many types of purple clay teapots, and there are many classifications in terms of clay materials and teapot types, and there are also many varieties of tea leaves.

Whether you are buying a pot or tea, you need to have some knowledge about the types of purple clay teapots and corresponding tea leaves.

In this way, you won’t buy it wrongly or inappropriately because you don’t understand it.

List of types of purple clay teapots and suitable tea leaves:

1. For black tea, we recommend the Xishi teapot and the Rongtian teapot, which can fully bring out the aroma of the black tea without causing damage to the black tea;

2. The recommended types of purple clay teapots for oolong tea are duji teapots and dragon egg teapots. Oolong tea will expand after brewing, so you must use a teapot with a larger lid and a certain capacity in the pot belly.

In addition, a pot with a large opening is more conducive to the dispersion of the aroma of oolong tea;

3. It is obviously better to use stone ladle teapot or Baozun teapot for Pu’er ripe tea. Pu’er ripe tea belongs to the post-fermentation tea category.

Brewing in a purple clay pot with strong airtightness and good thermal insulation properties can bring out the unique taste of Pu’er ripe tea.

4. It is not recommended to use purple clay teapot for white tea. But old white tea is very delicious when brewed in a purple clay pot.

It is recommended to use a horizontal pot to drink old white tea. Old white tea has rich inner substance due to years of storage. Brewing in a purple clay pot with thinner walls and wider lid can bring out all the inner substance of old white tea.

What are the types of purple clay teapots?

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, there are many classifications of purple clay teapots in terms of clay materials and pot types. So what are the specific types of purple clay teapots? The following is a detailed introduction:

1. According to the production process, it can be divided into: fully manual and semi-manual;

2. According to the geometric shape, it can be divided into: round pot, square pot, bionic pot, etc.;

3. According to industry: bare goods, flower goods, ribbed wares, clay paintings, etc.;

4. According to the clay material, it is divided into: green clay pot, red clay pot, purple clay pot, segmented clay pot, etc.

There are actually many categories in each category. The above is just an example. If you want to know more detailed and specific types of purple clay teapots, you can check out the related articles I published before.

Summer Woo

Summer Woo

Dedicated to the art of Chinese tea culture and the craftsmanship of Yixing purple clay teapots, Summer Woo has immersed herself in this fascinating world for the past 10 years.

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