How to Repair a Yixing Purple Clay Teapot at Home?

repair yixing teapots at home

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It’s common for Yixing purple clay teapots to suffer damage or cracks during use. Many individuals prefer repairing them at home for convenience, cost-effectiveness, and time-saving. However, this is only recommended for minor damages. Serious issues may require professional repair to avoid worsening the damage.

For minor cracks without significant leakage, some home repair tricks include:

Egg White Method:

Apply egg white to the cracks; when it dries, the marks are barely visible. This is suitable for very fine cracks.

Milk Steaming Method:

Steam the cracked teapot or kettle in milk for half an hour, then apply cold milk. This method is effective for teapots that develop cracks before being seasoned. Milk proteins seal fine lines without leaving noticeable marks.

These methods can be used for minor repairs at home. Remember, for severe damage, seeking professional assistance is recommended to prevent further harm to your beloved teapot.

Summer Woo

Summer Woo

Dedicated to the art of Chinese tea culture and the craftsmanship of Yixing purple clay teapots, Summer Woo has immersed herself in this fascinating world for the past 10 years.

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