How to Choose the Best Xi Shi 西施 – Yixing Teapot

Best Xi Shi 西施 - Yixing Teapot

What is Xi Shi 西施 – Yixing Teapot? Xi Shi (西施) is one of the famous types of Yixing clay teapots. Named after one of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China, Xi Shi, this type of teapot is admired for its elegantly simple and traditional round shape, which symbolizes beauty in Chinese culture. Xi […]

What Is the Difference between Japanese Teapot (Kyusu) and Chinese YiXing Teapot?

difference between Japanese teapot (Kyusu) and Chinese yixing teapot

China and Japan are both tea-drinking countries, and both have a long history of tea drinking. Today, let’s see what are the differences between the teapots of these two countries and how to choose the right teapots for you. China’s more representative teapot is the Yixing Purple Clay teapot, which is complex and expensive to […]

Best YiXing Teapots for Oolong in 2024

Best YiXing Teapots for Oolong in 2024

Oolong tea has various classifications; there are lightly baked oolong teas and heavily baked oolong teas. Clear aroma oolong tea, which is not baked and lightly fermented in granulated form, includes varieties such as Taiwan High Mountain Tea and Alishan Oolong Tea. Heavily baked oolong tea, which undergoes roasting and has a higher level of […]

How to Repair a Yixing Purple Clay Teapot at Home?

repair yixing teapots at home

It’s common for Yixing purple clay teapots to suffer damage or cracks during use. Many individuals prefer repairing them at home for convenience, cost-effectiveness, and time-saving. However, this is only recommended for minor damages. Serious issues may require professional repair to avoid worsening the damage. For minor cracks without significant leakage, some home repair tricks […]

2024 Beginner’s Guide to Purchasing Yixing Purple Clay Teapots

beginner's guide for buying yixing teapots

Good tea demands a good teapot. When it comes to purple clay teapots, everyone is familiar with them. However, the diverse array of purple clay teapots in the market may leave you unsure about how to choose one or where to start learning about them. This lack of knowledge might discourage you from making a […]

Identifying Authentic Purple Clay Teapots Within 8 Tips

Identifying authentic purple clay teapots

Unlock the secrets of identifying true purple clay teapots with our comprehensive guide. From price considerations to sensory experiences, distinguishing between authentic and fake purple clay teapots becomes seamless. Genuine purple clay, famed for intricate craftsmanship, commands a starting price of $50. A matte finish and subtle colors characterize the exterior, while the touch should […]

How to Properly Clean a New Yixing Clay Teapot

Clean a new YiXing Teapot

On the internet, you can find various methods for using a new Yixing purple clay teapot, including using tofu or millet to initiate the pot, among others. These procedures can be quite complex. However, with the current advancements in Yixing teapot craftsmanship, a simple initiation process is often sufficient for use. This article aims to […]

Top 10 Classic Shapes of Yixing Clay Teapots

Top 10 Classic Shapes of Yixing Clay Teapots

Yixing clay teapots come in a myriad of styles, with hundreds of different shapes to choose from, making the selection process challenging for enthusiasts. However, among these numerous shapes, ten classic styles have consistently captured the hearts of aficionados over the centuries. Today, we’ll discuss these shapes, providing insights that may differ from what you […]

Price of a Yixing Clay Teapot in 2024

PRICE of Yixing Teapots

In the ever-evolving world of tea culture and craftsmanship, the allure of Yixing clay teapots remains timeless. As we step into 2024, enthusiasts and collectors alike are keen to understand the current pricing dynamics surrounding these exquisite teapots crafted from the famed purple clay of Yixing, China. Yixing clay teapots have long been celebrated for […]

List of Purple Cay Teapots and Suitable Tea Leaves

teapots and tea leaves

There are many types of purple clay teapots, and there are many classifications in terms of clay materials and teapot types, and there are also many varieties of tea leaves. Whether you are buying a pot or tea, you need to have some knowledge about the types of purple clay teapots and corresponding tea leaves. […]